Pig Candied Yams
I've put a new twist on the basic candied yams, I call it Pig Candied Yams.....this is an easy one and can be done in the oven, but when cooked on your pit the flavors are amazing. I give mine a little smoke flavor and keep the brown sugar on the light side. The butter mixes with bacon drippings for a great back flavor. Here is what you need, and what you need to do to it.
Yams (or sweet potatoes) - Cut in to halves or thirds and par boil until slightly tender, which will allow the skins to slip off. After the pieces have cooled, either dice, cube or slice.
Pig Candy - partially cooked only in oven or smoker. I have a full pig candy write-up in the appetizer section, but for this recipe you basically cook some bacon indirectly at 350° until it is about half cooked (it should be "limp"), then sprinkle it with brown sugar or maple sugar, cook 5 minutes longer and remove from oven or smoker.
Brown sugar - The amount is up to you. If you go heavy on the brown sugar, you should increase the amount of butter. If the yams begin to brown, cover the baking dish with foil.
Black pepper
Lemon juice
Parsley for garnish
Select an appropriate baking dish, wipe with butter or Pam, add your cut up yams, dribble with lemon juice, sprinkle with brown sugar, dot with pats of butter, top with pieces of pig candy, sprinkle with pepper. Go into a 350°-375° oven or pit until the yams are fork tender. Check once to make sure you don't have any sticking problems. Garnish with parsley.
Pig Candy ready to come off the pit
Complete dish assembled
After about 30 minutes on the Big Green Egg. My baking dish is resting on a legs down plate setter