The most popular page on my site is the RECIPE PAGE, click to open the link in a new window.
Website statistics are showing over 590 visits a day to my site. A special welcome to my international friends. I have received visits from readers from 163 countries......WOW!! Barbecue is global..... and I'm proud to be just a little part of it.
My cookin' site features a variety of recipes, tips, photographs and other information I hope you find enjoyable. Just like many of you, I am a backyard barbecuist that enjoys this wonderful hobby, cooking for family & friends.
Just click on any of the links in the Table of Contents to go to that page. To return to this homepage, just click the thirdeye's cookin' site banner at the top of any page. There is an e-mail link in orange at the bottom of the page.

~ thirdeye~
INTRODUCTION TO BARBECUING - This is a good place to start for newbies and old hands alike. This write-up will give you some of the basics and cover a few of the terms you may encounter in other areas of my site.
RECIPES - Cookin' is what my site is all about. Mostly outdoor cooking, but I've included a few things that can be cooked indoors too. Here you will find 50+ recipes of all kinds featuring everything from brie to pig's feet. A list of recently added recipes appears at the top of the Recipe Page.
QUESTIONS & SUGGESTIONS - Your comments are important to me, here is the place to post them.
POLLS & SITE STATS - I know what I like, and you know what you like....What about everyone else? Results of various polls and site stats can be viewed here...... You might be surprised what you find.

Just click on any of the links in the Table of Contents to go to that page. To return to this homepage, just click the thirdeye's cookin' site banner at the top of any page. There is an e-mail link in orange at the bottom of the page.

Keep your eye on your vent!! "If it's puffin' white ..it ain't right.
If it's blowin' blue, it's good for Q"~ thirdeye~

INTRODUCTION TO BARBECUING - This is a good place to start for newbies and old hands alike. This write-up will give you some of the basics and cover a few of the terms you may encounter in other areas of my site.
RECIPES - Cookin' is what my site is all about. Mostly outdoor cooking, but I've included a few things that can be cooked indoors too. Here you will find 50+ recipes of all kinds featuring everything from brie to pig's feet. A list of recently added recipes appears at the top of the Recipe Page.
TOOLS - I have designed a number of BBQ tools over the years. Here is a peek at some of my creations. In 2020 I stopped fabrication of my BBQ tools.
WEBER SMOKEY JOE "TALL BOY" SMOKER MODIFICATION - Follow these instructions to turn your Smokey Joe Grill into a smoker.
MY COOKERS - I use Big Green Eggs, Big Drum Smokers, Big Chief Smokers and an SnS Deluxe Kettle. I'll tell you what they are and why I like to cook on them. I also discuss some other types and brands of cookers that I really like. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
PHOTO GALLERY - Here you will find a variety of cookin' photographs
THE WOODPILE - Information on different flavors of smoking woods, chunks, splits, chips and planks.
GUIDE TO MEAT CUTS & CUTTING MEATS - Find out where that certain steak, or roast comes from. Also see some tips for trimming and cutting a variety of things. I even show you how to de-bone a trout or salmon - -(STAY TUNED FOR PAGE UPDATES...)
CONTEST - Pepsi Wyoming State BBQ Competition - 2009 - My first competition as a KCBS Certified BBQ Judge.
WILD WEST EGGFEST 2010 - Casper, Wyoming, - A collection of Eggfest photographs
QUESTIONS & SUGGESTIONS - Your comments are important to me, here is the place to post them.
WEB SIGHTINGS- Links of all kinds can be found here.
POLLS & SITE STATS - I know what I like, and you know what you like....What about everyone else? Results of various polls and site stats can be viewed here...... You might be surprised what you find.